Clinical Essentials

Clinical Essentials

Clinical Essentials Course

Lessons in this course include:

CLIN-001 Defining Dry Eye Disease
CLIN-002 Anatomy of Dry Eye Disease
CLIN-003 Defining Aqueous Deficiency
CLIN-004 Blepharitis
CLIN-005 Visual Quality and Dry Eye Disease
CLIN-006 Innervation of the Meibomian Glands
CLIN-007 Allergy-related Dry Eye
CLIN-008 Defining Rosacea
CLIN-009 Exposure and Contact Lens-related Dry Eye Disease
CLIN-010 Cosmetic Blepharitis
CLIN-011 Complex Dry Eye
CLIN-012 Products and Medications

This course is for Dry Eye Access members only.  If you are not a member, please click here to find out about membership. If you are already a member, please login below: